GENTSPACE致力于为追求风格的男人而独立设计,打造一个以绅士生活为灵感的高端男装品牌。设计风格融合Contemporary Classic的美学概念,兼顾随性与优雅的穿着需求。将男装结合精致生活,在干净利落与时尚优雅之中表达事业与生活、内敛与个性的迷人魅力。为重视个人形象与生活品质的都市精英男士提供更多品质精良、价格合理、款式时尚的现代男装新选择。
GENTSPACE designs for men who are real thinkers in style. Inspired by the lifestyle of a typical gentleman, it presents a brand image of the elite male. The brand aesthetics is a design fusion of the Contemporary Classic, maintaining a perfect balance between being casual and elegant for various occasions. The charm of a clear and stylish masculinity regarding implicitness vs attractiveness as well as career vs life is conveyed through integrating a GENTSPACE man’s lifestyle and the clothes he wears. For those who attach importance to their looks and lifestyles, GENTSPACE offers the best combination of fine quality, chic design and reasonable price for contemporary menswear.